I've about had it, but then I'm sure a lot of other Americans have too.
After five days of excruciating television reporting involving maps that keep changing depending on how bored the pollsters wanted us to become, I've had it.
Donnie, you are done. Toast. Finito. Finished. Now go away.
In case you haven't picked up on this yet a bunch of us want you out of here. And yes a whole bunch of people want Biden out of here but I'm not one of them. You have won the contest all right -- the most obnoxious presidential candidate since Tricky Dick.
I comprehend politics -- I know that either of the two men running for President -- Incument Donald Trump and challenger former VP Joe Biden aren't going to be running the country. Those two silver haired codgers are representatives of a cabal of people who are going to push whoever wins in the direction that they want. And both those men know it.
People have voted more than they ever have in the last decades, hoping that their ballot is going to "make a difference" in how the US Government shakes out in the coming years. Yes, if they scream enough, if they vote enough, if they get "their guy" in then the country will listen to whatever that guy says. Verbatim.
Those who are hyperventilating please find a brown paper sack and breathe in and out.
For me, I want one thing at this point, throwing politics aside -- I want Donnie to go. He's the epitome of bad taste, misogynism and an embarrassment for the US before the entire world.
Tomorrow when I wake up I want quiet Joe Biden in office. I want him to speak in a civilized fashion just like Queen Elizabeth II seems to do with ease. I want someone to take Donnie onto a plane and fly him somewhere pretty, a nice island where he can hide for a bit licking his wounds and wearing a sweater with very, very long sleeves.
And as to the people I know who believe the drivel that came out of Donnie's mouth, do us a favor -- cease and desist about it for awhile. We've all had it.
And yes, wearing a mask. Don't forget a hat -- Make America Glad Again.
PS and Hillary I STILL think you would have made a superb President.
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