Life in the War Zone: Flies in the Ointment

The President of the United States (at least he is for the moment) has not had a great week. First,  Trump contracts  the Covid 19 virus as does First Lady Melania Trump and from the sound of it a boatload of White House employees.

 That includes one my fave people, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Not only is she going to eventually get out of Trump's Cabinet because of annoying ineptitude but perhaps to cope with one of Covid's side effects. Could not have happened to a nicer gal. 

Having a good night, Ms. Ninny?

Trump tried to prove how "big and strong" he is by parading around in his car along with a couple of Secret Service guys no doubt on their way to getting tested for the Covid virus. They were unfortunate enough to get stuck on that detail.

Let's not forget that Fearless Leader has declared himself cured of Covid and promised Americans he had received a "cure" they too would receive, one which made him "feel great" after 24 hours.

Tonight, as the Vide Presidential candidates squared away, there was talk about how VP Mike Pence could possibly have pinkeye since his left eye was a bit of a mess.

But as all this happened, one other matter transpired nobody could have planned, nobody would have foreseen, and as of this hour, no one in the world has not.

A single fly landed on Pence's head and sat there for a couple of minutes during the debate. Didn't move.

How VP Candidate Kamala Harris did not lose her cool while standing feet away from Pence and the fly is a testament to her professional life and way more strength than I possess. 

There you have it folks, the Fly in the ointment.

The killer is that within seconds, the Fly had its own Twitter feed @FlyOnMikePence3 among others. 

Not sure how Pence managed to keep a straight face (as opposed to a wolf howl of pain) during the rest of the event.

Let's not even think about all the memes, photos and posts on the various social media that will undoubtedly cross his desk.

Dude, stick a fork in your (pink) eye, many of us think you are done, so done.

Wear the masks, people, wear the masks. And somebody find that fly -- it needs a medal of honor.


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