LIFE IN THE WAR ZONE: Che Guevara, Socialism and Communism
I'm seeing them again in the middle of this insane political season -- the infamous red t-shirts bearing the image of Che Guevara, the Cuban "revolutionary." Che, as the people who think they are cool call him, is the particular favorite of uneducated college students who believe the guy was amazing because they swallowed the Kool Aid put out by the Castro administration.
For all you morons who post this man's photo, who insist on wearing the T-shirts, who think that he would be a great symbol for the United States -- I've got news. And yes, I was born in Cuba.
Che Guevara was a MURDERER. He loved killing people, loved putting them up against a wall and shooting them. Sometimes it was televised.
Sometimes just for the hell of it. Probably would have killed you for sport. Or maybe even wearing the shirt.
Che came to visit NY and when he left a plot to blow up the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, and the Washington Monument was discovered. Nice, Che.
Che's preferred method of execution was the firing squad. And when he used firing squads he made sure all the guns were fully loaded so that each shooter KNEW he was killing the people they were firing at.
Che opened up labor camps which he stuffed with "delinquents" -- a euphemism for gays. Guevara opposed a free press. He was racist and had a Messiah complex.
Che was tight as ticks with another fun guy, Fidel Castro. They first got together in the Sierra Maestra when Castro and a bunch of other nutters plotted to overthrow the government of Cuba and ultimately point the country to its current Communist system. The same Communist system that many are thinking would be a cool thing in the United States.
Yep, it's a system that has worked stupendously in Cuba. Read into the pablum all you want -- believe the drivel about how Cuba's education and medical systems are world class.
But after that take a look at the constant stream of Cuban refugees who over the years have left the country in rafts, on pieces of wood, in desperation that the "system" was going to kill them because there was no food, no business, no future.
And one more thing -- Che was shot dead in the jungles of Bolivia where he was up to more shenanigans. They found him almost bisected by the bullets.
Here's a shot of Che freshly dead. I could not resist. Love the guy.
Or more accurately, how it ends up.
Now throw the damn shirts out.
Forget his name.
And wear the damn masks.
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