In totally non-Covid news, there is a fish kill happening on Biscayne Bay.
Anyone unfamiliar need only read into the "fish kill" phrase to realize what it is -- an enormous number of fish turning up dead along a waterway. It's gross, it smells, and it's a problem.
One theory is high water temperature and low oxygen levels. All this exacerbated by the use of pesticides, sewage and pet waste.
You can add that yuck factor to an already beleaguered city, one which like many others is coping with - wait for it -- Covid 19.
The latest issue on top of all the others - the increasing number of cases and deaths in Florida. Miami-Dade County still has the highest positivity rate in South Florida, a daily average of 12.80 percent as of this writing.
So it should come as no surprise that Florida - one of the major tourist spots in the world - is suffering badly as a result of Covid 19. Let's face it -- palm trees, sultry weather, topflight beaches and world class facilities are a huge draw.
But those palm trees have had fewer people standing in their shade this year.
Hotels on South Beach have closed, the cruise ships are stuck in the harbor and one source said it could be anywhere between 6 to 12 months before there is any recovery.
Today Floridians took to the polls in order to vote. There are several high profile races, including one for the Mayor of Dade County which has a bunch of candidates.
Covid 19 and the handling of the situation have been loudly mentioned during the last few days especially in the political ads. Lots of finger pointing.
It should be interesting to see who comes out on top, and what, if any changes the newbies push for as 2020 continues to be the Year from Hell.
Wear the masks, people, wear the damn masks.
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