It's roughly 84 degrees out, an early Friday morning in Miami.

The sky is black with a few puffy grayish clouds, the sort that come and go without much fanfare.

There is absolutely no noise in the city nearby, thanks to as yet another Covid 19 related curfew.

I recall living in this spot just a few months back and about this time there would be a pleasant amount of noise, not too much but the sort that harkened to the beginning of a weekend.

There would also be planes overhead, flying to some unknown destination.

Tonight there is nothing but the silent dread of Covid 19, that blasted virus which has become part and parcel of life all over the globe in a short period of time.    

Everyone knows -- many are infected by Covid and they die. Yep. No sugar coating that one.

And yet I sit looking out my window and there appears nothing really wrong out there.

Covid 19 is this insipid tiny virus that has glommed on to just about anyone on earth these days, never mind Miami.

If you stared out the window as it is now, you really would have no idea that a deadly killer is out there lurking behind who knows what waiting to get who knows who.

In a few hours the newscasters will be out doing their jobs again, socially distancing themselves in front of the TV cameras, wearing masks and yapping loudly about what most of us already know.

There's a virus in town, it could kill us, and as of now there is no cure.


At least we don't have a work week ahead of us to think about it. Well, those of us lucky enough to have jobs that is.

Wear the masks, people, wear the masks. 


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