What do Florida and Texas have in common?
Danger, Will Robinson!
Yeah, yeah, something about Covid 19. Come on, you had to expect the predictable.
It seems that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning (like we need to be warned about something that's freaking everywhere) that nine out of ten hot spots are in Florida and Texas!
Topping the list of the ten spots is Miami-Dade County.
NOTE TO ALL OF YOU WHO THINK THERE IS NOTHING IN FLORIDA OTHER THAN DISNEY WORLD -- there is more to Florida than Disney World and the mouse. I know, it's shocking. By the way, I've never been and have no desire to go.
Miami-Dade County, with 2.7 million people, is the most densely populated area in Florida and the seventh largest in the United States. Yep, there is a boatload of people living here and they keep on coming. It's cramped in some spots.
But they don't tell you that in the brochures. People visit or move here to "get away from it all" and seem surprised when the beaches are crammed with visitors, traffic is a nightmare and it's not just the visitors that want to go out and have a good time. The locals like to party, too. Who knew?
So needless to say Covid 19 is spreading like a house on fire. Recently Florida showed over 40,000 cases in a two week period. As of this writing, 216 people died and broke the records for TWO days in a row. The total number of cases went past 450,000.
And it's stressing people out. Big time.
For instance yesterday at the Crystal Beach Suites on Miami Beach, Douglas Marks of Miami allegedly went off on two tourists from New Mexico who were apparently not social distancing. He tried to make his point by pulling out a gun and firing off a couple of shots.
Nobody was injured and Marks was thrown in the Paddy Wagon. It's anyone's guess how many others are at the tipping point here.
Danger, Will Robinson. Go visit elsewhere.
Wear the masks, people, wear the masks.
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