One of the few household chores I honestly enjoy is going to the supermarket (or grocery store for some people).
I find it a relaxing thing to do -- walk up and down the aisles, especially the produce section. I stare and compare, trying to determine which of the fruit and veggies available to me will go home and make up a portion of my meals.
That, however, is as yet another loss thanks to Covid 19. Without going into all the specifics, these days I bring a list and make sure it's all set up so that I can pick up everything as I take a fast walk through the store.
My time limit is 15 minutes, usually very early in the morning because Miami is one of those places where early morning does not seem to exist for some people. And yes, I AM WEARING A MASK.
Curiously, a lot of people don't. Recently we've been told that masks are mandatory everywhere. From my end it doesn't seem like a lot of people are paying enough attention. But then again these are the people who are piling up at the beach, rubbing elbows with who knows how many infected people.
My favorite store -- Publix -- announced today that from now on masks are mandatory for anyone walking in the store. I'm going to be entertained even more on my brief market forays, wondering if we are going to see some of those loud and nasty fights that turn up more and more on social media.
Most of them involve masks and whether or not they violate someone's mistaken notion of civil rights.
Miami is now at the epicenter of Covid 19, and as such all kinds of things which should have been done before are happening faster than lightning.
Graphic signs -- made to be simple enough for anyone to read -- are popping up all over the place.
One screams "It's the law!" and threatens folks with a $500 fine.
This morning, however, as I walked I noticed many people wearing the masks on their arms, around their necks, in their pockets or on top of their heads. Anyplace but over their noses and mouths.
It's going to take a bit before Miami can claim its title as Mask City. I wish folks would smarten up and figure out that wearing a small item of clothing might be a lot better than paying $500 or getting sick and dying.
Mask City or Death. Take your pick, Miami.
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